About Me

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Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
We are a married gay couple starting on the path of parenthood! This place will be used for us to share our experience, the feelings, the questions and the advice we need!!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

There's A Light

I have been through some things in my life, and bounced back pretty hard. The only thing that I can't mentally process, is death. It never manage's to set in to me that the person that I love is gone. Today, I went to go visit the resting place of one of my closest friends Jacki. There was a point in my life, where I felt so alone and she was there for me.

So, I never went a grave before and it was an experience for me. To feel the emotion that I felt today was something very new to me. I felt the urge to cry, I felt the emotions of tears, but they didn't come. There was more of a flutter, more of a pull. I felt drawn to it. I know I am not making sense right now, but I am just typing as I feel.

She was one of the most important people in my life and I still can't fathom she is gone. I need to go see her more, I need to talk about her more. It is through those memories that I can keep her alive and I haven't done a very good job @ that.

I am sorry Jacki. I love you and miss you.

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